University Education
- since 2019 Doctoral studies (Dr. rer. soc.) at LMU Munich in Sociology, on the killing of animals in veterinary medicine.
- 2015-2018 M.A. Sociology/Gender Studies, LMU Munich
- Exchange Semester at the Universitetet i Oslo (UiO), Norway2012-2015 B.A. Sociology/Statistics, LMU Munich, Germany
- 2012-2015 B.A. Sociology/Statistics, LMU Munich, Germany
- 2010-2018 Veterinary Medicine, LMU Munich
Professional Career
- since 05/2023 Research associate at the Junior Professorship for Medical Ethics with focus on Digitization, Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg (Germany)
- 01/2023 Research stay at Messerli Research Institute in the Department of Ethics of Human-Animal Relationship, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (Austria)
- since 10/2019 Lecturer at different universities and colleges (LMU Munich, University of Potsdam, KSH Munich).
- 09/2019-08/2020 Lecturer for sociology/social studies at the Luise-Kiesselbach-Fachschule für Heilerziehungspflege, Munich, Germany
Research focus and interests
- Human-Animal, Gender and Science and Technology Studies
- Sociology of gender and professions, Sociological Theories
- Qualitative Methods (esp. Situation Analysis and Grounded Theory)
- Veterinary Humanities, Veterinary Ethics, Care Ethics
Memberships and functions
- Member of the German Sociological Association (DGS)
- Member of the Section of Sociology of Professions (DGS)
- Member of the International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ)
Bubeck, Marc J.; Jansky, Bianca (2023): Relational and Dimensional: Heuristic Dimensions in Situational Analysis Using the Example of Care Practices and Their Materiality. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 24(2).
Bubeck, Marc (2022): Learning to Kill. How Veterinarians reflect their learning process. In: Bruce, Donald, Bruce, Ann (Hg.): Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility, Wageningen Academic Publishers, S. 315 – 321. Abrufbar unter:
Bubeck, Marc (2021): Veterinarians as protectors of animals – caring and killing in the narratives of vet students. In Schübel, Hanna, Wallimann-Helmer, Ivo (Hg.): Justice and food security in a changing climate, Wageningen Academic Publishers, S. 248–254. Abrufbar unter:
Bubeck, Marc; Kögel, Johannes (2021): „Die Mühe hat sich total gelohnt“: Feedback der Teilnehmenden zur Bürgerkonferenz. In Kögel, Johannes, Marckmann, Georg (Hg.): Xenotransplantation – eine gesellschaftliche Herausforderung, mentis Verlag, S. 103-113.
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